photo by Jake Faivre
“As with all their previous albums it proves to be an engaging and interesting experience, heightened by the superb harmonies and wonderful interplay among the musicians....[Guffey's] writing has always displayed an acute insight on the human condition and his astute observations are as finely honed as ever.”
-Paul Mcgee, Lonesome Highway Magazine -
"Under the moniker My Politic, Missouri natives Kaston Guffey and Nick Pankey supply engaging, heartfelt and powerful lyrical narratives that tap into the classic storytelling style of ’70s folk and modern Americana. Their 2021 record Short-Sighted People in Power magnifies the uncertainty, fear and anger that engulfed the social and political landscape of the U.S. in 2020 and beyond. Guffey and Pankey give voice to the emotions many Americans have felt during these tumultuous years. Whether taking on the social landscape or reflecting on moments of personal triumph and loss, My Politic has a style of intimate songwriting that’s often reminiscent of the late, great John Prine."
-Lorie Liebig, Nashville Scene"
"MP have dropped a Folk record loaded with cold hard realities. Reality & all its worth, the good & the bad, joy & pain, laughter & tears. They have done so with minimal instrumentation and maximum storytelling, Missouri Folklore is an album heaped with picturesque tales of beat-up neighborhoods & cruel gods, bike-rides, smoking weed after work, and friends that have come and gone."
- Alt Root Magazine -
"combines fine musicianship with perceptive, reflective and provocative lyrics. My Politic have produced a very fine record which provides intelligent, thoughtful insights not only into their home state but also the complexities and paradoxes of what it is to be human."
- Americana UK -
"They are inspired, brave and brilliant songs, remarkably comprehensive but never preachy or ponderous. It’s perfect for this American moment. Rendered tenderly with close harmonies throughout, it evoked the sound of Don Henley and Glenn Frey singing Randy Newman songs. It’s subversive, but also soulfully charming." - Paul Zollo - American Songwriter
“…with its great refrain “I miss America, the way it used to be…” It remains one of the greatest songs written to genuinely reflect the insidious impact of the constant distortion of truth on a giant segment of the populace.- Paul Zollo - American Songwriter
"a time capsule of these times, that will stand as a statement for a future perspective to judge. Woody Guthrie would be proud. - Paul Mcgee -
" might come off as a rootsy, country-folk fusion but its importance transcends such a sonic description. It comes from the same disenfranchised place which spawned punk, hip-hop, even rock and roll itself, and any and all movements born of being outside, forgotten, exploited, ignored and used by those in power." - Dave Franklin - Dancing About Architecture
I hear hints of Don McLean in the vocal delivery, spitting out multitudes of verbal spat to fit within each bar concisely. Forget “American Pie” people ‘cos this song has chutzpah! “Talkin RNC Blues” takes me back to the early 80’s when Bruce Springsteen released his stripped-down classic Nebraska. The arpeggiated chords underneath the spoken vocal line creates a tension and release that ebbs and flows beautifully. Danny McCloskey The Alternate Root Magazine
"...not to be missed. The album boasts beautiful harmonies, heart-tugging bluegrass string arrangements, and lyrical reflections on loneliness, loss, addiction, and struggle. Even with its sad subject matter, the songs provide a warm blanket of comfort, a cure of for what ails you in the form of a front-porch jam session, a campfire conversation, or an intimate living room gathering of friends." Mother Church Pew
"Their Appalachian-infused folk/country sound combines with compelling storytelling and achingly vulnerable vocals on the 12 track collection for a brutally honest look at some of life’s darker and more difficult challenges." The Country Daily
"Their music has age and the words are scripted from today. My Politic curate a sound that positions the Nashville trio as guardians of a mountain music that digs as deep as the hills themselves.
Their most recent release, plays Folk songs from the heart of a rambler as the album examines “The Truth” on a carefully structured border of rhythm with “Nobody to Blame” as it carries its own truths in the gritty light of reality." - Danny - Alternate Root